PAL Signature Datasets

The following signature datasets represent the core priorities of the Palmer LTER project.

IDDatasetVersionPub. DateTypeGroupDate Range
88Adelie Penguin Chick Counts910/3/24StationSeabirds1991-2024
24Chlorophyll (Cruise)112/8/22CruisePhytoplankton1991-2020
28Palmer Station Weather – Daily Averages106/27/24StationPhysical Oceanography1989-2024
41Primary Production (Cruise)94/25/24CruisePhytoplankton1995-2023
49Sea Ice – Annual Averages88/16/24OtherSea Ice and Climate1979-2023
34Sea Ice – Monthly Averages98/16/24OtherSea Ice and Climate1978-2024
199Zooplankton Density – Current98/16/22CruiseZooplankton2009-2020

In addition to these, several dozen secondary long-term datasets are also maintained by each research group, along with short-term and historical experiments. See the full Palmer LTER dataset catalog for the complete list.