Melting Point: Where is the Antarctic Sea Ice?
For World Penguin Day last month, PAL Co-PI Dr. Sharon Stammerjohn was featured in a video produced by the Wilson Center on the recent changes in Antarctic sea ice.
The above video was…

Unexpected Connection: Palmer researchers featured in Sandpoint Idaho magazine
From the file of unexpected places you can find stories about Palmer LTER...
Two of our penguin research technicians, Darren and Megan Roberts, were recently featured in their local community paper, the Sandpoint Magazine, published in…

Looking Forward: The Race to Save Antarctic Penguins
The penguin populations in Antarctica are rapidly changing due to the effects of climate change. Over the past 30 years, scientists have studied the penguins around Palmer Station along the West Antarctic Peninsula, and have observed a significant…

Joy Ferenbaugh appointed Assistant Professor
Congratulations to Joy Ferenbaugh, who was recently appointed as an Assistant Professor of Biology at Adams State University in Colorado.
Joy was previously a PAL post-doctoral scholar, working in Scott Doney's Computational Biogeochemistry…

Upside Down Ocean: Unraveling the Crisis of Antarctic Sea Ice
Climate change is having a dramatic effect on Antarctic sea ice. For years, ice around the continent seemed oddly consistent, while sea ice in the Arctic has declined dramatically. But that is no longer the case. Over the last few years,…

Fast Company on the Five-Sigma Event
Earlier this summer (for those of us in the northern hemisphere), as Antarctica reached it's peak winter season, scientists observed what came to be known as a "five-sigma event" in Antarctic Sea Ice. This referred to the unprecedented…

Associated Press: Antarctic Krill Fishing
This month, PAL LTER scientists Deborah Steinberg, Logan Pallin, Ari Friedlaender, and Joe Cope were featured in a story by the Associated Press.
Factory fishing in Antarctica for krill targets the cornerstone of a fragile ecosystemBy Joshua…

2023 PAL-LTER, SWARM, and Friends Workshop
Four years is a long time to wait, but last week, the waiting was over, as we held the first in-person PAL-LTER and Friends Science Workshop since 2019.
On Tuesday, the PI team met to discuss the latest field season and to prepare…

An Adélie Penguin on the cover of Ecosphere
Kudos to PAL researcher Darren Roberts, whose photo of an Adélie Penguin was featured on the March 2023 issue of Ecosphere, the journal of the Ecological Society of America.
The photo was chosen to feature a recent paper, Long-term…

Record Low Antarctic Sea Ice Extent in 2023
Last month, the amount of sea ice around Antarctic broke a new record low, according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center. This year's minimum extent is the lowest recorded since 1979, and it broke the previous record low set just last…

2023 Palmer School Outreach Programs Underway
It's hard to believe the 2023 PAL field season is halfway over, and the main research cruise is already back at port. But that doesn't mean our outreach work is done. Far from it, we're just getting started!
The goal of the PAL outreach…

New Paper: Long-term patterns in ecosystem phenology near Palmer Station
Congratulations to Megan Cimino and many other members of the PAL team who just had a new paper published in Ecosphere.
Here's a quick snippet...
We show that sea ice retreat and increasing photoperiod in the spring trigger a sequence…