Seasonal cycles of Chl‐a, ΔpCO2, and pCO2sur from 2000–2020 for the Drake Passage, Northern Shelf, Mid Shelf, and Southern Shelf subregions.2025

New Paper: Seasonal Variability of Surface Ocean Carbon Uptake and Chlorophyll‐a Concentration

Figure 2 from Turner et al., 2025, showing the seasonal cycles of Chlorophyll-a, pCO2 flux, and surface pCO2, all averaged over the timer period 2000–2020, for the Drake Passage, Northern Shelf, Mid Shelf, and Southern Shelf subregions. Congratulations…

Doney Receives UVA Distinguished Research Award

Congratulations to PAL Co-PI Scott Doney for being honored with a Distinguished Research Award from the University of Virginia, as part of their 2024 class of Research Achievement Awards. From the University of Virginia announcement... Scott…