Former PAL Undergrad About to Launch into Space
Zena Cardman as a NASA Astronaut Candidate in 2017. (NASA/Bill Stafford)
Zena Cardman was an undergrad when she first sailed with the PAL LTER as part of Hugh Ducklow’s team in 2009.
And now, next month, Zena will serve as spacecraft…

Seasonal shifts: Phenology events at the bottom of the world
Kudos to PAL Co-PI Megan Cimino whose 2023 paper "Long‐term patterns in ecosystem phenology near Palmer Station, Antarctica, from the perspective of the Adélie penguin" was recently featured as news story on the NSF website.

Farewell R/V Gould
This year, the R/V Laurence M. Gould completed its 27-year run as the Antarctic Research and Supply Vessel (ARSV) for the National Science Foundation. In that time, the ship spent nearly 6,300 days at sea, with over 1,000 supporting Palmer…

New ADCP Backscatter Visualization Tool
Have you ever wondered what lies below the waters along the West Antarctic Peninsula?
Now, you can use a new interactive map tool developed by former PAL graduate student Amanda Lohmann (now a PostDoc at the University of Virginia), to…