New Paper: 60 years of glacial retreat behind Palmer Station

In a new short paper, Megan Cimino, Marissa Goerke, and Shavonna Bent document how the Marr Glacier behind Palmer Station has retreated over the past 60 years. They found that the glacier has retreated about 7.7 meters per year, which they reflect can have profound impacts on the local ecosystem.
Cimino, M. A., Goerke, M. A., & Bent, S. (2023). Sixty years of glacial retreat behind Palmer Station, Antarctica. Antarctic Science, 1–3.
Downloadable shapefiles of the glacial terminus lines are also now available in our data archive.
Palmer Station Antarctica LTER, S.M. Bent, M. Cimino, and M. Goerke. 2023. Terminus lines of the Marr Piedmont Glacier at Palmer Station, Antarctica, from 1963 to 2023. ver 1. Environmental Data Initiative.