Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research on the Antarctic Marine Ecosystem: An Ice- dominated Environment (1999) Physical Oceanography Component Supplement 12 months, requested starting date 1OCT98 YEAR 1: 10/1/98-9/30/99 Douglas G. Martinson Summary This supplemental proposal requests funds to allow Dr. Douglas Martinson to participate in the June-July 1999 N.B. Palmer PAL field experiment. I will participate in order to collect the CTD data during that winter cruise, as well as refine our standard CTD operational strategy for future CTD data collection. 1.0 Introduction This proposal is a supplement to the original LTER PAL Physical Oceanograph Component proposal of Martinson (1998). Consequently, the scientific details, hypotheses and goals articulated in that document and in the original LTER PAL proposal (Smith et al.) are not reiterated here. Rather, this supplement only presents that information directly addressing the specifics of my participation in the 1999 winter PAL field program. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of my participation in the 1999 winter PAL field program is to: (1) allow me to directly test and refine the standard CTD operational procedures presently being established to assure the successful collection of high quality CTD data on each PAL cruise; (2) provide training to my fellow LTER PIs at sea for future routine CTD operations; and (3) directly experience the multi- disciplinary field efforts associated with the PAL LTER program in order to better appreciate the biogeochemical data and its potential interactions and relationships to the physical variables. 3.0 Field Responsibility My primary responsibility in the 1999 winter cruise will be to oversee the collection of the CTD data. I will operate the CTD hardware and software, and perform associated at-sea backups and quality control checks. In addition, as stated above, I will work toward evaluating the current CTD operational procedures and documented guidelines with the intent of refining and improving them for future cruises. I will also train relevant LTER participants for future CTD operations. 4.0 Budget and Budget Justification Need budget breakdown to justify. Douglas G. Martinson:Macintosh HD:Files:PBC:LTER:Supplemental Proposal Yr.