TITLE: Palmer LTER: Temporal variability in HPLC pigmentation and inorganic nutrient distribution in surface waters adjacent to Palmer Station, December 1991-February 1992 AUTHOR: Barbara B Prezelin, Mark Moline, Keith Seydell and Kai Scheppe Palmer LTER Contribution #08 A set of nearfield stations were established in waters adjacent to Palmer Station in the austral spring of 1991 (Waters and Smith, 1993). A range of hydrographic, optical, chemical and biological properties of the water columns at these sites were repeatedly characterized during late austral spring and summer (December 1991-March 1992). The data will be used to define patterns and scales of variability for foodchain parameters in the area surrounding important nesting and fledging sites for large populations of Antarctic seabirds. Here, we present our preliminary data on the temporal variability and possible succession of phytoplankton communities within surface waters of the Palmer grid and their correspondence with changes in the availability of major plant nutrients.